Monday, May 21, 2012

Journal Entry #4

Chapter 4 ~ The Fight For Food

Along with the beatings and the yelling's little David also had to figure out ways to feed himself because his mother would refuse. and even though he had his father at his side it was not enough. David would have to steel from the kids at school pick through the garbage, all this without getting caught. when Davids mother found out what he was doing she would find brutal ways to punish him. "Hes hungry?" she would think. and then give him grose uneatable food that he couldn't even stomach but did she care. not once she sat there and enjoyed Davids punishment.

"There's no need telling you that your going without dinner tonight. but not to worry. I have a cure for hunger."
This shows that his mother knows exactly what shes doing and rubbing it in his face. this quote really got to me.

Why is this chapter called the fight for food?

Davids mother blames...
David feels safest at...


  1. Reading this chapter made me really upset too. It's awful that her punishments went as far as they did with the food that he had to eat food out of the garbage.

  2. This chapter was one of the worst chapters! I can't believe she used food as a threat!
